Finding the right recovery support group can be pretty powerful. You’ll come together with others who understand you and who can offer encouragement and tips for overcoming the many ups and downs of recovery. Yet the more you put into the group, the more you’ll get out of it. In other words, to make the most of your recovery support group you’ll need to do more than just show up and drink coffee. Here are a few ways to make support groups work best for you:
- Participate: While it’s okay to remain quiet initially, it is important that you eventually open up. Sharing your experiences will help you sort out feelings, get to know your peers and give encouragement to others in the room.
- Be honest: Again, it’s not always easy to share personal, painful experiences with others but doing so can give you a release from the many negative feelings like shame or guilt you’re experiencing. By being open and honest, you’ll realize that you’re not the only one going through this.
- Be a good listener: Listening to other stories and experiences is just as important as sharing your own. Being an active listener will show the other group members that you’re supporting their recovery and it will make you feel better, too.
- Develop relationships: Be yourself and get to know the people in your support group. This is the perfect place to make new friends who understand you and who will support your recovery.
- Get involved: Your support group is a great way to give back to the recovery community. Find out if you can come early and set up or stay after to clean up. Depending on the stage of your recovery, you may even be able to lead a meeting, help start up a new group in the area or become a sponsor.
Navigate Sobriety With Confidence At Segue Recovery, our Peer Recovery Support Specialists can help give you the support, guidance and education you need for lasting sobriety. To learn more about The Segue Program™ and our other services, call today: 833-485-0789.