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Stay Connected: How to Overcome Loneliness While Social Distancing

Millions of people from coast to coast have spent the past few months self-isolating during the COVID-19 epidemic to prevent the spread of the deadly virus. Despite knowing you’re doing the right thing to keep yourself and others in your community healthy, you might be starting to feel lonely and missing activities such as going to the movie theater or attending concerts.   

Everyone is vulnerable to loneliness while social distancing, especially since coronavirus has brought normal daily life to a screeching halt. What’s the best way to get through this period of necessary isolation?

1. Set a Schedule for Yourself

Even if you’re lucky enough to be working from home and have plenty of things to occupy yourself, it’s normal to feel somewhat adrift or aimless in self-quarantine. Many people have reported losing track of what day it is or feeling like their life is a blur right now. Trying to make your time in quarantine feel as normal as possible will give your days a sense of structure and purpose. Make yourself a daily to-do list. Each day, have set times when you wake up, work, eat meals, exercise, do leisure activities and go to bed. 

2. Stay Active 

It may feel like social distancing has only adversely affected your mental health, but the reality is that the long days in quarantine may have made you less physically healthy, as well. The need for social distancing has shut down many gyms, public parks and trails, making it more difficult to find ways to exercise. To burn calories and give yourself a boost of endorphins, take walks around your neighborhood if weather permits, or master some simple daily yoga poses you can do at home. 

3. Do Something Meaningful

We all want to feel like our contributions count for something. If you’re feeling lonely and want to foster a greater sense of connection with society, you can do something meaningful. Consider volunteering as an online tutor, researching your family’s genealogy or taking free classes to keep yourself mentally sharp. 

4. Stay in Touch

One of the most effective ways to overcome loneliness is to reach out to friends and family members. Mail them letters or care packages, call them on the phone or start a video chat using FaceTime or Zoom. Use social media to connect with like-minded people from all over the world who share similar interests to yours, join an online book club or sign up for online games such as trivia or Words With Friends. 

5. Do Self-Care Activities

If you’re feeling lonely, finding ways to comfort yourself can help ease your stress and anxiety. Cook yourself a healthy meal, read a book, write a poem or journal entry, have a soothing cup of herbal tea, take a bath or reorganize your living space. To ensure you’re getting the recommended amount of rest each night, practice good sleep hygiene.

Healing From Addiction

If you’re struggling with substance abuse during this pandemic, reach out to us at Spearhead Lodge to learn more about our world-class extended-care program for young men in Austin, Texas. We believe addiction is a disease that you can learn to manage with the right strategies, such as the 12-step approach.