The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has caused many of us to make significant changes to our lifestyles. Cities across the nation are now observing “shelter-in-place” and social distancing orders for at least the next month. However, medical experts have cautioned that there’s no definite timeline for when things will return to normal, which means we may need to prepare to adhere to self-quarantine for several more months. How can you keep yourself happy, healthy and entertained while remaining at home? Read on for our top tips.
1. Adjust Your Mindset
If you aren’t a homebody by nature, you might feel trapped or restricted by the inability to go out and participate in public life. The sudden cancellations and shutdowns associated with the need to “flatten the curve” have forced many people to adapt to working from home, homeschooling their children and cooking all their meals themselves. Instead of getting frustrated, embrace this quarantine period as an opportunity to spend more quality time with the ones you love. Or, if you live alone, use any extra downtime as a chance to take a few classes online or pursue new hobbies you’ve been interested in.
2. Stay Physically Active
Even if your gym is closed and you don’t have access to the equipment you use as part of your normal fitness routine, that’s no excuse to stay sedentary. Regular exercise strengthens your immune system, which will reduce your chances of contracting or spreading coronavirus. You can do bodyweight exercises such as planks, triceps dips, push-ups, squats, lunges and crunches virtually anywhere in your home. Yoga poses are another excellent way to stay fit without needing much room or equipment. Or, put on your favorite music and have an at-home dance party.
3. Keep in Touch
Though you can’t physically get together with loved ones, you can still be part of their daily lives. Make time for regular check-in calls – whether via phone or through virtual means such as online video chat. Humans crave social contact, so staying connected to friends and family members can act like a dose of vitamins.
4. Become a Virtual Volunteer
How can you help others and make a genuine impact while maintaining social distancing guidelines? Many organizations allow you to volunteer online. If a specific cause is near and dear to you, there’s probably a way for you to get involved. Even if you don’t see your favorite nonprofit listed, reach out to them and ask if you can share your expertise. You can also donate money if you’re short on time.
5. Organize Your Home
If you typically do spring cleaning this time of year, use your time in quarantine to your advantage and take it to the next level by organizing your living space. You can clear out clutter, give yourself more room and finally have a sense of accomplishment that your living area is tidy.
Self-Quarantine Today for a Healthier Tomorrow
If you’re struggling with the idea of staying home, let this advice serve as your foundation for avoiding boredom and staying illness-free in these uncertain times. And, if you’re newly sober and finding coronavirus especially challenging, a quality aftercare program can benefit you. At Segue Recovery Support, we offer a specially designed environment with the needs of recovering addicts in mind. Contact us to learn more about sober living.