If you’re contemplating getting treatment for a substance abuse problem, you’ll need to prepare for the ups and downs you’ll encounter. To give you a better idea of what early recovery is like, let’s take a look at some common obstacles you might experience on your journey.
1. Forging New Relationships
As challenging as it can be to make new friends as an adult, it’s even more difficult when years of substance abuse drove a wedge between you and the people closest to you. If alcohol and drug use caused your relationships to deteriorate, or if your only friends were fellow addicts, you’ll need to find a way to meet sober supporters once you’re in recovery. Twelve-step groups like AA and NA are one pathway to finding fellowship. You can also meet like-minded people through volunteerism or taking classes.
2. Boredom
Another prevalent problem among recovering addicts is the feeling of having too much time on their hands. Drug and alcohol use can be tremendously time-consuming, and you’ll have to find new ways to spend the hours of your day you used to occupy by obtaining and using intoxicants. Boredom can be a significant relapse trigger for people who don’t take proactive steps to find other hobbies and interests in sobriety.
3. Addressing Complicated Emotions Without Substance Use
If you often used drugs and alcohol as a crutch to cope with common issues such as anxiety or a lack of self-esteem, you might find yourself struggling to find a new emotional outlet after you get sober. You’ll need to prepare yourself for the fact that early sobriety can bring intense feelings of shame or guilt bubbling up to the surface. Learn productive coping mechanisms like meditation and journaling to help you process these in a healthier way.
4. Transitioning out of Treatment
Moving from addiction into independence can be another hurdle of early sobriety. You’ll have more freedom, but you’ll also need to manage new responsibilities, balance a household budget and work on healthy ways to deal with stress. Many people in early recovery struggle with this transitional period, and end up at risk of relapsing. If you find yourself having a hard time adapting to a new, substance-free lifestyle, sober living homes are an excellent way to protect all the progress you’ve made. In sober recovery residences, you’ll find structure, accountability, peer support and a sense of belonging that will help you maintain your sobriety and flourish in your new lifestyle.
Sober Living at Segue Recovery Support
Nobody ever promised it would be easy to break free of addiction, but the benefits of sobriety far outweigh any challenges you’ll encounter on the way. Don’t let any worries or fears about treatment hold you back from getting the help you need. And, when you complete your rehab program, be sure to make sober living part of your aftercare program. Call us today to learn more about the benefits of high-accountability sober living.