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5 Reasons Why You’ll Benefit From Recovery Coaching

benefits-recovery-coachWe know that the longer a person engages in addiction treatment and recovery services, the stronger chance they have of achieving and maintaining permanent sobriety. Extended care is key, and recovery coaching is such a helpful way for those in recovery to stay engaged. The transition from residential treatment or sober living back into your community can be full of difficulties that could jeopardize your recovery, but a good recovery coach can help you manage and work through those difficulties, help you reach your goals and keep you focused on sobriety. A recovery coach is different from a therapist or sponsor. A recovery coach serves as an advocate, a guide, a leader and a mentor. Their job is to not only help their client stay sober but cultivate a life that is meaningful, something everyone in recovery can benefit from.

1. You’ll Have a Smoother Transition.

The transition from traditional residential treatment into recovery can be a bit of a shock. Going from a highly structured environment where you have clear-cut expectations into one that requires you to take the wheel is a major change and a big responsibility to assume. Upon discharge from treatment, clients often receive continuing care plans that lay out exactly what a person must do to build upon their success. The recovery coach works to keep their client on track by advocating for their recovery and connecting them with valuable resources.

2. You’ll Be Held Accountable.

Maintaining recovery requires you to be accountable, something that is foundational to Segue Recovery Support’s philosophy. Our Peer Recovery Support Specialists work one-on-one with clients to help them set and achieve attainable goals and hold them accountable to themselves, their short- and long-term aspirations and others.

3. You’ll Get Connected to Resources.

A continuing care plan lays out the steps you need to take to continue making progress in recovery. This may include attending 12 Step meetings, seeing a therapist, furthering your education, re-entering the workforce, resolving legal issues, securing sober living arrangements or doing anything else that helps you establish your new life in sobriety. A recovery coach connects you to the resources you need to succeed.

4. Your Family Will Receive Support.

Substance use often puts a strain on relationships, and many family members of people struggling with substance use disorder or addiction feel that they bear the responsibility of looking after their loved one. A recovery coach removes that responsibility from family members, allowing them the freedom to focus on loving and supporting their loved one, while the recovery coach focuses on keeping their loved one on track. Additionally, a recovery coach provides training and education for family members on topics like understanding addiction, establishing healthy communication, providing support without enabling and relapse prevention.

5. You’ll Work to Prevent Relapse.

Addiction is a chronic, progressive disease with relapse rates of drug addiction ranging from 40-60%. Relapse is common, but it’s also preventable. A recovery coach will empower you to identify relapse behaviors and overcome them. At Segue Recovery Support, our team of Peer Recovery Support Specialists is highly trained and experienced to identify dangerous relapse behaviors long before relapse occurs and intervene as appropriate.

Segue Recovery Support is proud to offer a range of recovery support services that can help bolster your sobriety and succeed. For more information about our program and sober coaching services, please contact us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 1-833-485-0789.