4 Benefits of Sober Homes


benefits-sober-homesThe first 30 to 90 days after Primary Treatment are the most critical for preventing relapse because most relapses occur during this time frame. For people coming out of intensive residential treatment, sober homes offer valuable community and support that helps residents stay on track and engaged in recovery. Living in a sober home allows you to get reacquainted with everyday life as you navigate your sobriety. The benefits of sober homes are not to be ignored, as they are so useful in sustaining long-term recovery.

1. It reduces risks.

Addiction alters the way the brain functions, making it difficult to suppress the urge to drink or use. In one study that examined a group of 46 alcohol-dependent participants who had completed detox, 30 relapsed. Upon further imaging, researchers found that the 30 participants who relapsed had significantly less gray matter in specific regions of the forebrain: the part of the brain that is associated with behavioral regulation and emotional control. Without this gray matter present, it was challenging for participants to resist the temptation the drink. In sober homes, there is no temptation because alcohol and illicit drugs are banned from the premises, and the often high levels of structure reduce the opportunity to relapse. It also gives residents the opportunity to work to prevent relapse and replenish gray matter.

2. It reduces loneliness.

Addiction is isolating. For people who enter an intensive residential program, becoming immersed in the treatment community is a welcomed change, and many people want to continue to participate in the recovery community after completing treatment. In sober homes, residents are surrounded by fellow residents and build camaraderie through house meetings, housekeeping and participating in group outings and activities. Since everyone in a sober home is focused on healing and lasting change, everyone understands the challenges and emotions that come with recovery. There is always someone to turn to for support, whether that’s a peer or a house manager. Over time, the sober home unit can grow to resemble a family, with residents understanding one another on deep levels and offering unconditional support.

3. It helps you plan for the next step.

The longer a person participates in treatment, the more positive the outcome. At BRC Recovery, we offer a Transitional Living Program with a 90-day minimum, and residents are welcome to stay longer if it’s in his or her best interest. Living in a BRC Recovery sober home is a logical next step for people who have just completed Primary Treatment. It eases residents back into the community at a healthy pace while helping them heal and plan for the future, whether that means becoming more active in the Austin 12-Step community, volunteering with a local nonprofit, finding a part-time job or enrolling in classes at a local college or university.

4. It establishes accountability.

Responsibility and accountability are fundamental to the BRC philosophy. We focus on establishing both in our Primary Treatment Program and continue to help residents build upon it in our Transitional Living Program. Residents attend house meetings, complete chores, abide by a curfew and participate in group activities.

Sober homes offer a safe, supportive environment that bolsters permanent recovery. For more information about BRC Recovery or our gender-specific Transitional Living Programs, please contact us at 1-866-461-1759.