We all get angry; it’s a normal human emotion and one that you’re bound to deal with during recovery. Resentment is closely tied to anger. Resentment forms when you hold onto anger toward a person, institution, or situation – for instance, if you feel snubbed...


Healing from a substance use disorder is a lengthy, complex process involving many ups and downs. Choosing to quit drinking or using is an essential first step, but achieving lifelong sobriety involves more than abstaining from alcohol and drugs.  One potential pitfall for people in recovery...


The consequences of drug and alcohol abuse don’t just affect the addicted person–they spill over into every area of a person’s life, causing the most amount of damage to their relationships. In the 12-step program, steps eight and nine are all about making amends and repairing the relationships that...

self esteem tips


We’ve already discussed that this May is Mental Health Month, and have covered some of the concerns specific to men’s experience of mental illness. Today, we’d like to explore the value of self-esteem: a topic often ignored by men’s health advocates, but one of utmost importance. WHY DOES...

Intensive Outpatient Programs

Intensive Outpatient Programs

If you or a loved one is struggling with an addiction, you may have been trying to deny it for a while. But now, you know you need help. This is the best thing you can do for yourself and others.  However, going away to...

Characteristics of a Dysfunctional Family

In an ideal world, your family members would be your staunchest supporters – people you could count on to be in your corner through thick and thin. Unfortunately, for many of us, that isn’t the case. Family dysfunction is a prevalent problem that creates a...

enabling vs empowering

Enabling vs Empowering

When your loved one is showing symptoms of addiction and is struggling through life, your first instinct is to help them. You want them to be happier and healthier and may even go to extreme measures to protect them from themselves. There is a significant...

long-term drug addiction treatment

Long-Term Treatment for Drug Addiction

Treating an illness appropriately can sometimes take time. When you are addicted to drugs or alcohol, it can also take time to treat that addiction effectively. Long-term treatment for drug addiction can be critical for your success in recovery. Detox The first step in overcoming your addiction...

prescription drug abuse

Effects of Prescription Drug Abuse

When a physician writes a prescription for a particular medication, there are many factors that go into the type of drug chosen as well as the amount and the frequency of the dosage. These factors ensure the effectiveness and the safety of that medication for...

ptsd and relationships

PTSD and Relationships

When a loved one suffers a major trauma, it’s natural to comfort them. But if weeks or months go by with no sign of the affected party “getting over it,” your sympathy may dissipate, and you may lose all desire to continue a relationship with...

active participation in rehab

Stop Flying Under the Radar

Taking that first step toward participating in an addiction treatment program is critical for getting your life back. However, the important word there is “participating.” When every day counts in treatment, you will need to stop flying under the radar so you’ll get the most...


Being Perfect vs. Perfectionism

Wanting to be good at something is human nature. Wanting to be perfect can cause issues around mental health and even addiction. Being perfect may seem to be the ultimate goal in many areas of your life, but perfectionism can actually hold you back from...